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Ever Heard of Lawsuit Investing?

Watch The Full 60 Minutes Piece On Lawsuit Investing Here:

It's Time To Put a Lid on Runaway Lawyer Fees

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Hear From The Victims of Lawsuit Abuse

Robin Serna

"Yep…was an auto accident, and had to obtain Legal counsel to seek payout from the responsible party…they charged us 40% PLUS expenses. It’s BS!!! We already lost so much because of the accident, then when we finally did collect, we ended up with hardly anything."

Julianus Rod

"I was charged 40% ($8,000) just for a form letter a lawyer sent to recover funds. Currently in ongoing litigation I find that not only does the defendant pay high attorney fees, but now we also have to taxes on those fees. Then the lawyer pays taxes on them again. We seriously need to get back the right to deduct legal fees. Otherwise, the injured party ends up with the smallest amount. The majority goes to taxes, layers get the next cut, what ever is left over the defendant gets. That’s all kinds of wrong!”"

Kevin Manchen

"Lawyers not only take a third but also bill for everything in between! Not right! The should only be allowed 20%. Fees have gotten outta control!.”"

Russell Livingston

"Won 100K in a class action against inadequate house builders in Merced. Lawyer took all but 39K. They told us up front they would 40%, but then at the end added “expenses”."

Carlos Ortiz.

"Yes, I had a law firm that had me docu sign and advised me that they require 40% if they win."

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